Monday, June 21, 2010

Prom Time!

A few weeks ago, some old and new friends of ours took us to the prom! The Harveyville Prom in Harveyville, Kansas in fact! A nice artist couple bought the Harveyville elementary and high schools and turned them into an artist residence and lively farm. Fortunately for us, they held a prom in the gym and we were invited to tag along! We got to stay the night in the 5th grade classroom and received a great breakfast in the cafeteria!

Quick facts: Harveyville is 1 1/2 hours from Kansas City, and the population is about 250.
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Friday, June 18, 2010

New Summer Line on Etsy

New summer line on Etsy! Very Exciting!

Thanks to Laura Frank for being my charming model and thanks to Jamie for being a grade-A assistant!
My Etsy
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update : New Urban Agriculture Rules in KC

Back in April I wrote this post about urban agriculture in Kansas City and truth be told, it was a response to our friend and neighbor who was pessimistic about the new regulations possible imposed by the City Council. He thought they might muck it up.

I said buck-up! Not everything's so bad! Well, here's to you Mike Wells, things have turned out just as you have said!

Here's the latest:
  • You can sell produce from your property (a bonus!)
  • You cannot have "row crops" in your front yard (very sad!)
Before this was enacted, there weren't any regulation of putting veggies in your front yard. Mostly, you just had to make sure your grass was mowed and things weren't looking too decrepit. Now you can sell produce from your property, but you can't grow it in rows in your front yard. A mixed bag!
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